Esteemed Professor Emerita Anna Cienciała died on Christmas Eve.
A specialist on Polish Interwar Diplomacy and author of numerous articles and books, both in English and Polish, she will nonetheless be remembered for her co-editing of Soviet documents, which were published by Yale University as Katyn A Crime Unpunished.
Professor Cienciała's introduction to each section, actually creating a monograph on the subject of Polish history, with a detailed description of the immediate post-WWI and pre-WWII period, serves as the best available succinct description of Polish history for the English reader.
Enclosed is information about Memorial Services - updates will be posted to my webpage (see below).
Please disseminate.
Krystyna Piórkowska
Professor Anna Cienciała
Profesor Emerita, University of Kansas
Nagrodzona Krzyżem Komandorskim z Gwiazdą Orderu
Msza Święta za Jej Duszę zostanie odprawiona w
dniu, 18 stycznia 2015 o godzinie 12:00
w Kościele Św. Stanisława, BiM na 7 ulicy w Manhattanie
Uroczystości Żałobne na University of Kansas – Lawrence
w dniu 22 stycznia 2015 (szczegóły do ustalenia)
Msza Świeta w Warszawie – przed 16 stycznia 2015
(szczegóły do ustalenia)
proszę śledzić
Anna Cienciala
Emerita, University of Kansas
Recipient - Commander's Cross with Star of the Order Zaslugi
Holy Mass will be offered on
on January 18, 2015 at 12:00PM
St. Stanislaus, B.M. Church on 7th Street in Manhattan
Memorial Service at the University of Kansas – Lawrence
on January
22, 2015 (details to follow)
Mass in Warsaw – prior to January 16, 2015
(details to follow)
Please check for further updates